Registration FAQ

This page will be updated with questions (and answers) as they arise. Please check back regularly.

A. No, if one of your co-authors who is NOT a student registers the paper with regular delegate full registration fee. In this case, you can register as a student.
B. Yes, if you are the sole author or all of your co-authors are students. In this case, you can apply for a grant to defer the cost:


No. Registration is not transferable. You can designate a proxy to present your paper by filling out the Proxy/No Proxy Declaration by May 2, 2022, AoE. The proxy has to be registered in order to present.

By using the notification letter received from the Program Chair which explicitly invites you to orally present your paper.

By registering. You will then be able to tick a box and fill out the form that will generate an invitation letter once the registration is completed. Have your passport ready and bear in mind that you can fill the form only once!

No. Letters are only issued to registrants who have already paid their fees.

Please read carefully the letter of rejection and read General Information 1.1. Students  section under Registration/Register referring to proof of student status before you attempt to re-submit.

Please write an email to and provide your family name, first name and exact affiliation.

Yes, U$ 100 processing fee applies to all cancellations.

Regular talks will be scheduled between July 26 and July 29, 2022. The schedule will be available in early July. If you have hard constraints, please write to the program chair: or